Pain & Medication Graph & Charts

A chart detailing the pain medication use visualizing the increase in pain indicating the pain and suffering can also be presented. Pharmacy records are essential to prepare this report as the quantity of the medications and dates of refill is necessary to plot this graph.

Pain is one of the primary symptoms reported by a patient in all types of injuries, irrespective of the nature and type. We offer an added service to our clients called the “Pain Medication Chart” which is graphically illustrated and portrays the nature of medical treatment provided to a patient, and the degree of pain and suffering endured. Almost every case can benefit from illustrated graphs and this special report adds value to the claims of the plaintiff.

Significance of the Pain Medication Charts:

The Pain Medication Chart highlights the fact that the plaintiff has been prescribed medication to relieve pain, inflammation, or other injury symptoms which may help to convince the defendant or insurance adjuster that the injuries are serious. The chart also can help an attorney determine whether the patient has suffered any injury due to pain medication overdose.

Pain Graph - MedSum Legal LLC